Open positions

We are currently open for postdoc applications related to DOE Basic Energy Science project. The positions are mostly related to the multiscale modeling of light-matter interactions in materials.

We are looking for new group members with passion, talent, and grit!

The successful candidate will contribute to our new project on developing multiscale methods and massively parallel algorithms for modeling polariton dynamics (or molecular quantum electrodynamics at large) on heterogeneous architectures.

The initial appointment will be two years, with the possibility of a third-year extension upon mutual agreement.

Applications are to be sent to me via email. State briefly why you are interested and attach a CV, including information about education, research, and publicatins.

Postdoc Fellowships

Truly outstanding applicants may apply for prestigious and highly competitive Director’s and Oppenheimer’s postdoctoral fellowships, which provide the opportunity to pursue independent research. Candidates for these positions need to be nominated by technical staff members. The winners are selected quarterly (Director’s Fellow) or annually (Oppenheimer Fellow) and are determined by the strengths of the candidates’ research proposals and their academic and research excellence. If you are interested in applying, send a resume, publications list, statement of research interests, and future plans, and arrange for three recommendation letters to Yu Zhang by email.

Undergraduate and graduate summer student programs

Center for Nonlinear Studies, Quantum Computing Summer School, and T-1 group at Los Alamos National Laboratory have extensive summer undergraduate/graduate student programs on various topics. The duration of an appointment is usually 1-3 months. We are seeking qualified applicants to work on research projects related to quantum computing for quantum chemistry (and beyond), ab initio many-body methods for strong electron-electron, electron-photon correlations in molecules and quantum materials; electronic, optical, and transport properties of low-dimensional materials; quantum materials and materials dynamics for quantum information science; No previous experience in these areas is required, but a general background in quantum mechanics and solid state physics is desirable.